Web Design

Joomla: Google Maps Plugin - Multiple Locations One Map

The problem is wanting to show a different location, on different pages, using the one Google Map.

1. Create a Google Map

2. Get an API key, it takes less than a minute from google

3. Download and install the Google Map plugin for joomla.

4. Copy the link for the locaotion, then go into your Joomla article.

5. Use Paste as Plain Text if you're using JCE text editor. Look for the msid and longitude and latitude in the code you pasted (it should be a very long code of letters and numbers.)

The longitute and latitude can be seen as a part of the code like this ll=123.45,65.432

mosmap - this will display your default map (in your google map plugin preferences)

msid - this is your google map code.

lon='xx' This is longitute

lat='xx' This is lattitude.

Use 'single', and not "double" quotes

zoom - 1 is world view, 19 is upclose

Your final code should look something like this (in parenthesis)

mosmap msid='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'|lon='xx'|lat='xx'|zoom='xx'
